The Holiday Sleep Guide

Tis’ the season for family get togethers, Christmas parties, trips to see Santa, and maybe even some travel.  As the holiday’s approach and the Christmas hustle kicks into high gear, I strongly recommend you keep to your child’s sleep schedule as much as possible. I know that may sound daunting but keep reading as I provide some tips that may help you navigate this holiday and keep the Christmas Spirit alive!

1.       Set Boundaries

Holiday Sleep Guide Mountains of Sleep Calgary Alberta

This one can be tough when there is so much to do in so little time, but if you have sleep trained your little one and lived the sleepless life you know how important their sleep is! Naps and bedtime come first. Expressing this to your friends and loved ones can help them understand why you may be a bit late for an event, must leave a bit early or why you just might not be able to go at all. Most people will be understanding as they remember your struggle during those sleepless days or are a parent themselves. Setting boundaries helps set up realistic expectations that are achievable which will lower your stress!

2.       Stick to your schedule

No matter where you are it’s important to stick to your child’s sleep schedule as much as possible (key word). A tired child is no fun for anyone! If you are spending an extended period of time at a relative or friend’s house set up a room for your little one that looks and feels as close to home as possible i.e. Black out blinds, bed sheets from home with the scent, lovey, white noise machine and sleep sack. Then implement your routines just like you would do at home. Remember the more it looks and feels the same the more comfortable it will be for your child.

3.       Avoid missing those naps

Naps can be challenging depending on how many your child is still having and what time of day they occur. We have a couple of options here and honestly you know your child best so I would pick one that will work well with you or do a bit of trial and error. Option one is that you stick to all naps no matter where you are. You set up a room in someone’s home or you arrange your outings around your child’s awake periods. Option two is to plan a nap during a time where you will be driving… although this isn’t ideal and often doesn’t produce the best sleep it is better than no sleep at all! The third option is to have their first one at home in their crib and then plan for the others to be movement naps. This may be great for those whose babies still have 2+ naps a day. Adjusting your sleep plan for a day or two shouldn’t cause too much of a setback. The importance here is to get their sleep in and not miss it altogether!

Holiday Sleep Guide Mountains of Sleep Calgary Alberta

4.       Lower your expectations

OK, I’m going to tell you this in case someone hasn’t yet, things may not run as smoothly as you’d like. When we change up where our little ones sleep or add a whole bunch of stimuli, things can get a bit out of wack. I want you to prepare yourself that if you are traveling out of town, visiting others or hosting, things will probably not run like a well-oiled machine and that’s OK! My advice is to accept that outcome before going into it. By lowering your expectations for yourself and your child, you can relieve yourself from feeling like you failed, stressed, embarrassed and all those other lovely negative thoughts that can enter our mind. Know that you are still an amazing parent who is trying their best to get through these holidays with as much damn joy as possible!

Through all the Christmas bliss and chaos, try to be gentle on yourself and remember whatever decisions you make they are your decisions, for your baby, your family and your well-being.  You are a warrior, a superhero mom who is protecting sleep for those who are too small to protect it for themselves. You may be misunderstood by some but ignore those who don’t understand because you are on a mission and you know what greatness comes with it.

If you ever have any additional questions or are looking for some further support, know that Mountains of Sleep is here for you! Book your free 15 minute consultation call today


Happy Holidays!